School-Based Programs:
Services offered at Canyons to the Sea OT
Because OT can happen anywhere!
Specialty Areas of Services
- Early Intervention/School-aged Children
- ASD, ADD, CP, Congenital issues, Syndromes, & General/Global Developmental Delays
- Issues related to physical, social, or emotional concerns impacting functional performance
- Fine & Gross Motor Planning/Coordination
- Visual-Motor/Visual Perceptual delays
- Oral Motor & Feeding
- Handwriting (Handwriting Without Tears)
- Understanding and reducing the stress response
- Sensory Integration Therapy (Ayers Sensory Integration: Sensory Integration and Praxis - SIPT)
- Therapeutic Listening Therapy (Vital Links)
- Multi-sensory/Snoezelen Therapy
- Environmental and home modifications consultation
- Mindfulness training
- Cognitive-behavioral strategies
- Parent Empowerment: Interactive Education, Training, & Coaching
Canyons to the Sea OT - Nurturing Unique Occupational Therapy Experiences with Families Across Orange County, CA